Common Concerns about Acupuncture Treatment

Concerns about Acupuncture Treatment

Individuals who are considering acupuncture often have concerns regarding its application and clinical efficacy. Some common concerns about Acupuncture Treatment include: they often hear mixed testimony regarding its true therapeutic value and are left with more questions with each one they ask. It’s perfectly natural for patients to have reservations about any type of medical or therapeutic procedure. They want to know whether or not the treatment in which they’re investing their time, money and faith is going to actually work. Some of the more common questions about acupuncture treatment include:

• Does It Work? – Acupuncture has been shown to be enormously effective in a wide range of ailments, from pain-related conditions to insomnia to sciatica and much more. In order to determine whether or not acupuncture can help your condition, talk to a professional expert.

• Does It Hurt? – An experienced and qualified practitioner can make the acupuncture process a comfortable and painless experience. The process involves gentle and direct needle application, but the right doctor can make them feel more like a pinprick than anything else.

• Is It Safe – Acupuncture provides a safe and effective form of pain relief. It aligns the central nervous system and is a far less invasive form of care than treatment. Again it’s helpful to speak with an experienced doctor of acupuncture to determine your individual risks.

Manhattan Acupuncture Treatment

If you’re living in New York City and have been considering acupuncture, Dr. Philip Trigiani is ready to answer all of your questions. With years of experience providing safe, effective and experienced physical medicine acupuncture in NYC, he is ready to help you. Call us today at (917) 405-9145 to make an appointment or stop by our convenient location at 201 W 74th St #16G, New York, NY 10023.

When you are searching for the best Acupuncturist in NYC you want to come visit Dr. Phil!

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