Everyone has heard – at least to an extent – about how acupuncture can be used to help alleviate and manage pain. But there are other, hidden benefits that exist, too; benefits that can save you unnecessary trips to the doctor or keep you from having to buy pills you don’t need. In today’s post, we’ll discuss some of the lesser-known – but oh so cool – benefits of acupuncture!
It Diminishes the severity of heartburn – While there’s really no such thing as being able to get rid of heartburn forever, you can – in fact – diminish its intensity through acupuncture. Recent studies have been conducted on the effects of acupuncture on heartburn for pregnant women with the findings being overwhelmingly positive. Especially if you’re pregnant, Acupuncture is a fantastic alternative to antacids and other heartburn medications.
You get headache relief – A recent study at Duke Medical Center discovered that acupuncture – not pain-reducing medication – was better at reducing the severity and frequency of headaches. Not only was the pain relief proven to be longer-lasting, but respondents also claimed to have significantly fewer side effects.
It’s helpful for weight loss – While there isn’t a panacea out there in terms of weight loss ‘quick fixes,’ acupuncture can better help you take the pounds off and keep them off. How does this happen? When needles are inserted into trigger points, they release endorphins which have a calming and relaxing effect that help you manage stress, anxiety, and frustration that usually results in overeating and binging. They also help manage you digestive & hormonal systems and make sure they’re running on a more concurrent path and that one isn’t overwhelming the other. In this case, we’re talking about your metabolism and your will power.
It makes your meds more effective – Studies that were released in China in 2011 found that an extremely low dose of Prozac combined with acupuncture was just as effective as a full dose of the medication. These findings have significant ramifications because they help to prove that wellness treatments like Acupuncture and more artificial medications can actually work in consort with each other. Cutting doses and adding acupuncture also demonstrated a reduction in the drug’s side effects, such as nausea, weight gain, and decreased sex drive.
Do you have any other questions about what to expect during your first visit? Feel free to give us a call at (212) 769-6443 and we’ll do our best to answer it for you!